Call: 02476 033 033  Text: 07765 550558

Eating With Dentures

At first you may not find it as easy to eat with new dentures when compared to your old set. Please do not give up and revert back to your old set of dentures, because your mouth needs time when getting used to dentures.

For those patients wearing new dentures, we recommend the following during the initial adjustment period of eating with dentures:

  • Start with soft foods like eggs, mashed potatoes or fish cut into small pieces.
  • Avoid hard, sticky foods.
  • Be wary of foods such as steak, wholegrain breads, nuts and hard bolied sweets until you start to feel more comfortable with chewing.
  • Take small bites and chew slowly.
  • Avoid biting with your front teeth. 
  • Keep chewing in the back of your mouth as you are adjusting.
  • When you have achieved the above, begin to move onto other foods.

» Contact Calvin - Eating with Dentures

If you would like more information about eating with dentures please contact us for further information.

Call: 02476 033 033  Text: 07765 550558