Dentures Leamington Spa
At The Denture Studio we provide our patients with dentures that are individually hand-crafted by us to look like natural teeth. Our focus for every patient is on quality and patient care, achieving the highest standards possible and creating the best possible fit. We conduct an initial FREE Consultation to ensure you receive the individual care and attention you need.
One of our main aims when we hand craft your dentures is to provide you with a nice smile and a natural appearance. We set your new denture teeth where your natural ones once existed, giving vital support for your lips and cheeks. This ensures your new dentures will look like real teeth not false teeth.
We use gender specific tooth shapes and colours that will compliment your gender, age and personality. The denture teeth we use are made up of several different layers to reproduce the colour variations that are found in natural teeth.
We are Clinical Dental Technicians and Dental Technicians, this means we have the technical and clinical skills which are needed to carefully design and hand-craft every denture to your individual requirements to ensure you receive the most natural looking and optimum fitting dentures.
Our mission is to provide all our patients with a professional, personal yet discreet service, where patient satisfaction is our highest priority. To ensure this we conduct personal consultations with each patient.
We explain and give advice on all of the options and materials available, including size and colour of teeth, to ensure you receive the individual care and attention you need.
This high level of patient care ensures each denture is skilfully hand crafted and designed specifically for each individual patient, to be as natural looking and as comfortable a denture as possible. This ensures your new dentures will not look like false teeth.
With over 20 years experience in the making of dentures, we have the knowledge and expertise to provide you with new dentures so you can eat, talk and smile with confidence!
We understand that receiving dental care for nervous dental patients can often make them feel anxious, so to help overcome this, you will deal with one qualified dental care professional from the first point of contact to the last.
We also provide, where required, a FREE Dentures At Home Service, for patients who are unable to visit our clinic. This service is available throughout the whole of the Leamington Spa and surrounding areas.
This means if you live in or near Leamington Spa, you can now have new dentures made in the comfort of your own home.
Some of our other Leamington Spa Dentures Services include:
If you have worn out dentures that look like false teeth don't worry; the result of giving you one of our Dentures A New Smile makeovers is you will have a brighter more natural smile and you will have a healthier and more youthful appearance.